Procedure for how to enroll for online classes
Published by Kalpesh Dave in Online E-learning course · Wednesday, 14. September 2016
Tags: online, courses, for, reiki, reiki, online, reiki, online, in, india, online, classes, of, reiki, therapy
Tags: online, courses, for, reiki, reiki, online, reiki, online, in, india, online, classes, of, reiki, therapy
Online reiki courses and classes
with full video lectures and practical
Step 1:-
Step 2:-
Step 3:-
Step 4:-
Step 5:-
Step 6:-
This is the whole procedure for learning and downloading the music of reiki classes.
Imp. note:- This you can only excess when u have the permission from the owner (kalpesh Dave)and fully paid the fees of the classes- via registartion
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